-3 Monolifts including an Elitefts Monolift, EliteFts Power Racks, 2 Competition Benches and Isometric Leg Press
-Combo Rack with Kilo Plates
-Texas Monster Squat Bars
-Titan Reverse Hyper, Belt Squat, Hack Squat, Chest supported Row
-2 Deadlift Platforms with Texas Deadlift Bars. Wagon wheel plates for 18″ deadlifts.
-Legend Fitness cable crossover with Lat pull down and Seated Row
-Multiple Specialty Bars: 2 Bamboo Earthquake Bar, 2 Safety Squat Bars, Spider Bar, 3 Football Bars, 3 Buffalo Bars, 2 Cambered Squat Bars, Texas Squat Bars, Texas Power Bars, F8 Bench Bar, Kabuki Transformer Bar and Deadlift Bar.
-Dumbells up to 150lbs
-Strongman equipment including a Titan Yoke, Circus Dumbells, Husafell carry, Farmers Carry, 2 Logs-70lbs and 140lbs, Tires up to 775lbs and Hercules Hold, Sled, and various chains